With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.
[54:1] The Hour (of doom) has drawn near, and the moon has split asunder.
[54:2] When these people see a sign, they turn away and say, ‘(This is) a transient magic’.
[54:3] They have rejected (the Truth) and followed their desires, while every matter has to settle (at some time).
[54:4] And there has come to them as much news (of the earlier communities) as it is enough to deter,
[54:5] (containing) perfect wisdom. But the warnings are of no avail (to them).
[54:6] Therefore, turn aside (O Prophet,) from them. (They will see the reality) on the day on which the caller will call (them) to a gruesome object.
[54:7] With their eyes humbled, they will come out of the graves like locusts spread all over,
[54:8] rushing quickly towards the caller. (On that Day) the disbelievers will say, .This is a hard day..
[54:9] The people of Nuh denied (the truth) before them. So they rejected Our servant, and said, ‘(He is) a madman’, and he was (also) threatened (by them).
[54:10] So he prayed to his Lord saying, ‘I am overpowered, so defend (me)’.
[54:11] So We opened the gates of the sky with water pouring forth profusely,
[54:12] and We caused the earth to gush forth as springs; so the water (of both kinds) met together for a destined event.
[54:13] And We caused him (Nuh) to board that (ship) which had planks and nails,
[54:14] which sailed under Our Eyes, as a reward for the one who was rejected (by the infidels).
[54:15] And We left it (the ship) as a sign. So, is there one to take lesson?
[54:16] Then how were My torment and My warnings?
[54:17] Indeed We have made the Qur‘an easy for seeking advice. So, is there one to heed to the advice?
[54:18] (The people of) Ad rejected (their prophet). So how were My torment and My warnings?
[54:19] We did send to them a furious wind in a day of continuous misfortune,
[54:20] plucking people away, as if they were trunks of uprooted palm-trees.
[54:21] So how were My torment and My warnings?
[54:22] Indeed We have made the Qur‘an easy for seeking advice. So, is there one to heed to the advice?
[54:23] (The people of) Thamud rejected the warners.
[54:24] So they said, ‘Shall we follow a single human being from among us? Then we will be in error and insanity.
[54:25] Is it that the advice has been cast upon him alone out of all of us? No, but he is a bragging liar’.
[54:26] Tomorrow they will know who the bragging liar is!
[54:27] We are going to send the she-camel as a trial for them; so watch them (O Salih,) and keep patience,
[54:28] and tell them that water (of the well) is to be shared between them (and the she-camel), so as the right of having water shall be attended by each (alternatively).
[54:29] Then they called their man (to kill the she-camel,) so he undertook (the task) and killed (the she-camel).
[54:30] So how were My torment and My warnings?
[54:31] We sent upon them a single Cry, and they were like crushed leafs of a hedge-builder.
[54:32] Indeed We have made the Qur‘an easy for seeking advice. So, is there one to heed to the advice?
[54:33] The people of Lut rejected the warners.
[54:34] We sent upon them a rain of stones, except the family of Lut whom We saved in the last hours of night,
[54:35] as a grace from Us. This is how We reward the one who offers gratitude.
[54:36] And he (Lut) had certainly warned them of Our grasp, but they disputed the warnings.
[54:37] And they had even tried to tempt him against his guests (so that they may snatch them away for a bad purpose,) but We blinded their eyes. Now taste My torment and My warnings!
[54:38] And on the next morning, a lasting torment overtook them:
[54:39] Now taste My torment and My warnings.
[54:40] Indeed We have made the Qur‘an easy for seeking advice. So, is there one to heed to the advice?
[54:41] And the warners came to the family of Firaun (Pharaoh).
[54:42] (But) they rejected all Our signs; so We seized them a seizure by One Mighty, Powerful.
[54:43] Are the disbelievers among you in a better position than all of the aforesaid (punished people), or do you have immunity (recorded) in the sacred books?
[54:44] Or do they say, ‘We are a large group, well-defended?’.
[54:45] Soon this large group shall be defeated, and all of them will turn their backs.
[54:46] Rather the Hour (of judgment) is their appointed time (for their full recompense), and the Hour is more calamitous and much more bitter.
[54:47] Surely the guilty ones are in error and madness.
[54:48] On the Day when they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, (it will be said to them,), ‘Taste the touch of Hell’.
[54:49] Verily, We have created everything according to (Our) predestination.
[54:50] And (implementation of) Our command is no more than a single act like the twinkling of an eye.
[54:51]We have destroyed people like you; so, is there one to take lesson?
[54:52] And everything they have done is recorded in the books (of deeds).
[54:53] And everything, small and big, is written down.
[54:54] Of course, the God-fearing will be in gardens and rivers,
[54:55] in a seat of Truth, near to the Omnipotent Sovereign.
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