Meaning of Quran

Al-Muddaththir | The Cloaked One

With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.

[74:1] O you, enveloped in a mantle,

[74:2] stand up and warn,

[74:3] and pronounce the greatness of your Lord,

[74:4] and purify your clothes,

[74:5] and keep away from filth,

[74:6] and do not do a favour (to anyone merely) to seek more (in return).

[74:7] And for the sake of your Lord, observe patience.

[74:8] For when the trumpet will be blown,

[74:9] that day will be a difficult day,

[74:10] not easy for the disbelievers.

[74:11] Leave me alone (to deal) with the one whom I created lonely,

[74:12] and gave him extensive wealth,

[74:13] and sons present before (his) eyes,

[74:14] and extended (power and honour) to him pretty well.

[74:15] Still, he aspires that I should give him more.

[74:16] Never! He is inimical towards Our verses.

[74:17] I will force him to climb the mountain Saud.

[74:18] He pondered and surmised.

[74:19] Death onto him! How (bad) is the surmise he put forward!

[74:20] Again, death unto him! How (bad) is the surmise he put forward!

[74:21] Then he looked (to those around him,)

[74:22] then he frowned and scowled,

[74:23] then turned his back, and waxed proud,

[74:24] then said, ‘This is nothing but traditional magic;

[74:25] this is nothing but saying of a mortal’.

[74:26] I will put him into Saqar (Hell).

[74:27] And what can let you know what Saqar is?

[74:28] It neither spares (anything inside it from burning) nor leaves (any disbeliever outside).

[74:29] It will disfigure the skins.

[74:30] Appointed on it are nineteen (wardens).

[74:31] And We did not make wardens of the Fire but (from) angels, and did not fix their number but as a test for those who disbelieve, so that those who are given the Book may come to believe, and those who believe may improve in belief, and so that those who are given the Book and those who believe may not doubt (its correctness), and so that those having maladies in their hearts and the disbelievers say, ‘What has Allah meant by this strange statement?’ Thus Allah lets go astray whomever He wills, and leads to the right path whomever He wills. And no one knows the hosts of your Lord but He. And this is nothing else but a reminder for mankind.

[74:32] Truly, I swear by the moon,

[74:33] and by the night when it goes back,

[74:34] and by the morning when it becomes bright,

[74:35] it (Saqar : Hell) is one of the greatest things

[74:36] as a warning to the mankind,

[74:37] to the one from among you who wishes to come forward (towards good deeds) or to go back (from them).

[74:38] Everyone will be detained (in the Hell) because of what he did,

[74:39] except the People of the Right, (i.e. those who will be given their Book of Deeds in their right hands)

[74:40] who will be in gardens, asking

[74:41] about the guilty persons,

[74:42] What has brought you to Saqar? (Hell)’.

[74:43] They will say, ‘We were not among those who offered Salah, (obligatory prayer)

[74:44] and we did not give food to the needy,

[74:45] and we indulged (in mocking at the truth) along with those who indulged,

[74:46] and we used to deny the Day of Requital,

[74:47] until when we were overtaken by that which is certain’.

[74:48] Then intercession of intercessors will not benefit them.

[74:49] So what has happened to them that they are turning away from the Reminder,

[74:50] as if they were wild donkeys,

[74:51] fleeing from a lion?

[74:52] Rather, every one of them wishes that he should be given unrolled (divine) scriptures.

[74:53] Never! But they do not fear the Hereafter.

[74:54] Never! Indeed, this is a Reminder.

[74:55] So, whoever so wishes may take advice from it.

[74:56] And they will not take advice unless Allah so wills. He is worthy to be feared, and worthy to forgive.


Overview of Surah Al-Muddaththir

  1. Title and Position: Surah Al-Muddaththir is the 74th chapter of the Quran. The title “Al-Muddaththir” translates to “The Cloaked One” or “The One Covered Up,” referring to the Prophet Muhammad in a state of being wrapped in his mantle.
  2. Verses and Structure: This surah contains 56 verses. It is known for its directives to the Prophet Muhammad to arise and warn, and its strong emphasis on the reality of the Day of Judgment and the responsibilities of the Prophet and the believers.
  3. Themes and Messages: Major themes include the call to prophethood, the importance of purifying oneself and maintaining steadfastness in delivering God’s message, the consequences of denying the truth, and vivid descriptions of the afterlife.
  4. Significance in Islamic Thought: Surah Al-Muddaththir is significant for its clear instructions on the duties of the Prophet and the believers, the moral and spiritual purification required for fulfilling these duties, and the stern warnings to the disbelievers.

Detailed Explanation

  1. Call to Prophethood: The surah begins with a command to the Prophet Muhammad to rise and warn the people, marking a clear directive for his mission to spread the message of Islam.
  2. Spiritual and Moral Purification: The Prophet is instructed to purify himself and his garments, symbolizing the importance of cleanliness and purity in Islam, both inwardly and outwardly.
  3. Warning to Disbelievers: The surah contains stark warnings to those who deny the Day of Judgment and live in heedlessness, illustrating the severe consequences awaiting them.
  4. Scenes of the Hereafter: It provides graphic descriptions of the punishments in hell and the rewards in paradise, serving as a reminder of the afterlife’s reality and the importance of righteous conduct.
  5. Story of Thamud: The surah briefly mentions the story of the people of Thamud and their prophet Salih, reinforcing the theme of accountability and the fate of those who reject God’s messengers.


  1. Why is Surah Al-Muddaththir named “The Cloaked One”?
    • The surah is named “Al-Muddaththir” as it addresses the Prophet Muhammad in his state of being wrapped in a mantle, signifying the moment he is called to rise and undertake the prophetic mission.
  2. What is the significance of the command to purify in the surah?
    • The command to purify signifies the integral role of purity in Islam, highlighting that the spiritual and moral cleansing is essential for fulfilling the responsibilities of conveying God’s message.
  3. How does the surah address the theme of the Day of Judgment?
    • It emphasizes the certainty and severity of the Day of Judgment, using vivid imagery to depict the outcomes for both the righteous and the wicked, underscoring the importance of belief and ethical behavior.
  4. What lesson can be learned from the mention of the people of Thamud?
    • The mention of Thamud serves as a historical example of how communities that reject God’s messengers face dire consequences, reinforcing the call to heed the prophetic message and the warnings of the Quran.

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