Meaning of Quran

Al-Mulk | The Sovereignty

With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.

[67:1] Glorious is the One in whose hand is the Kingdom (of the whole universe), and He is powerful over everything,

[67:2] the One who created death and life, so that He may test you as to which of you is better in his deeds. And He is the AllMighty, the Most-Forgiving,

[67:3] who has created seven skies, one over the other. You will see nothing out of proportion in the creation of the Rahman (the All-Merciful Allah). So, cast your eye again. Do you see any rifts?

[67:4] Then cast your eye again and again, and the eye will come back to you abased, in a state of weariness.

[67:5] And We have decorated the nearest sky with lamps, and have made them devices to stone the devils, and We have prepared for them the punishment of Hell.

[67:6] And for those who disbelieved in their Lord, there is the punishment of Jahannam, and it is an evil end.

[67:7] When they will be thrown in it, they will hear a terrible sound from it, and it will be boiling,

[67:8] seeming as if it will burst out of fury. Whenever a group is thrown into it, its keepers will say to them, ‘Had no warner come to you?’

[67:9] They will say, ‘Yes, a warner had come to us, but We had rejected, and said, Allah has not revealed anything. You are only in great error’.

[67:10] And they will say, ‘Had we been listening or understanding, we would not have been among the people of the Hell’.

[67:11] Thus they will confess their sin. So, away with the people of the Hell!

[67:12] Surely, for those who have awe of their Lord without seeing (Him), there is forgiveness and a big reward.

[67:13] Whether you keep your talk secret or make it aloud, He knows well what lies in the hearts.

[67:14] Is it (imaginable) that He who has created (them) will not have (such a) knowledge, while He is the Knower of the finest things, the All-Aware?

[67:15] He is the One who has made the earth subjugated for you, so walk on its shoulders, and eat out of His provision, and to Him is the Resurrection.

[67:16] Have you become fearless of Him who is in the sky if He makes you sink into the earth, and it starts trembling at once?

[67:17] Or, have you become fearless of Him who is in the sky, if He looses a violent wind with stones against you? So, you will soon come to know how was My warning!

[67:18] And of course, those before them (also) rejected (the truth). So, how was My censure?

[67:19] Have they not looked to the birds above them spreading their wings, and (at times) they fold (them) in? No one holds them up except the Rahman (the All-Merciful Allah). Surely He is watchful of everything.

[67:20] Now, who is there to act as a force for you to help you, except the Rahman? The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.

[67:21] Or, who is there to give you sustenance, if He withholds His sustenance? Still, they persist in rebellion and aversion.

[67:22] Then, is the one who walks falling down (frequently) on his face more right or the one who walks properly on a straight path?

[67:23] Say, ‘He is the One who has originated you, and made for you ears and eyes and hearts. How little you pay gratitude!’

[67:24] Say, ‘He is the One who has scattered you on the earth, and to Him you will be assembled’.

[67:25] And they say, ‘When will this promise (of the Day of Judgment) be fulfilled, if you are true?’

[67:26] Say, ‘The knowledge (of that Day) is only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner’.

[67:27] Then, once they will see it approaching, the faces of the disbelievers will be turned awkward, and it will be said, ‘This is what you were calling for!’

[67:28] Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah destroys me and those who are with me (as you wish), or has mercy on us (as we wish), who can(in either case) save the disbelievers from a painful punishment?’

[67:29] Say, ‘He is the Rahman; we have believed in Him, and in Him we placed our trust. So, you will soon come to know who is in open error’.

[67:30] Say, ‘Tell me, Should your water vanish into the earth, who will bring you a flowing (stream of) water?’


Overview of Surah Al-Mulk

  1. Title and Position: Surah Al-Mulk is the 67th chapter of the Quran. The title “Al-Mulk” translates to “The Sovereignty” or “The Kingdom,” referring to the dominion and sovereign power of God over the heavens and the earth.
  2. Verses and Structure: This surah contains 30 verses. It is known for its emphasis on God’s absolute authority over the universe, the concept of accountability in the afterlife, and the call to reflect on the signs of God’s creation.
  3. Themes and Messages: Major themes include the power and wisdom of God in the creation and maintenance of the universe, the purpose of life and death as tests for human beings, and the reality of resurrection and judgment.
  4. Significance in Islamic Thought: Surah Al-Mulk is significant for its portrayal of God’s majesty and omnipotence, its reminder of the transient nature of worldly life, and its emphasis on the moral and spiritual responsibilities of individuals.

Detailed Explanation

  1. God’s Sovereignty: The surah begins by affirming God’s sovereignty and power, illustrating His ability to create, sustain, and manage the universe with perfect wisdom and justice.
  2. Reflection on Creation: It invites individuals to reflect on the natural world, from the expansiveness of the skies to the intricacies of their own creation, as signs of God’s power and meticulous design.
  3. Accountability and Afterlife: Surah Al-Mulk emphasizes the inevitability of death and the subsequent resurrection, highlighting that every soul will be accountable for its deeds and will be judged with fairness.
  4. Protection and Mercy: The surah conveys a message of both warning and hope, encouraging belief and righteous action as means to achieve God’s mercy and protection from the torments of the afterlife.
  5. Encouragement to Ponder: It encourages individuals to ponder and reflect upon the universe and their place within it, urging a deeper understanding and consciousness of their relationship with the Creator.


  1. Why is Surah Al-Mulk named “The Sovereignty”?
    • The surah is named “Al-Mulk” because it highlights the concept of God’s absolute sovereignty and dominion over all creation, underscoring His power and authority.
  2. What is the purpose of reflecting on creation as mentioned in the surah?
    • Reflection on creation serves to remind individuals of God’s greatness and wisdom, encouraging gratitude, humility, and the recognition of their accountability to the Creator.
  3. How does Surah Al-Mulk describe the afterlife?
    • The surah describes the afterlife as a realm of ultimate justice, where individuals will face the consequences of their earthly actions, receiving reward or punishment based on their deeds.
  4. What does the surah suggest about the relationship between humans and God?
    • It suggests a relationship of submission and accountability, where humans are urged to recognize God’s sovereignty, seek His guidance, and strive to live in accordance with His will.

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