With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.
[77:1] (I swear) by those (winds) that are sent one after the other,
[77:2] and by those that blow violently,
[77:3] and by those that spread (clouds) all over,
[77:4] and by those (angels) who differentiate (between right and wrong) distinctly,
[77:5] then bring down the advice,
[77:6] leaving no excuse (for the disbelievers) or giving warnings,
[77:7] that which you are promised is sure to happen.
[77:8] So, when the stars will be extinguished,
[77:9] and when the sky will be split,
[77:10] and when the mountains will be blown away as dust,
[77:11] and when the messengers will be assembled at the appointed time, (then all matters will be decided.)
[77:12] (Do you know) for which day has all this been delayed?
[77:13] For the Day of Decision!
[77:14] And what may let you know what the Day of Decision is?
[77:15] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:16] Did We not destroy the earlier people?
[77:17] Then We will cause the later ones to follow them.
[77:18] Thus We deal with the guilty people.
[77:19] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:20] Did We not create you from a worthless fluid?
[77:21] Then We put it in a firm place of rest
[77:22] for a known period.
[77:23] Thus We did (all this with perfect) measure; so We are the best to measure.
[77:24] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:25] Did We not make the earth a container that collects
[77:26] the living and the dead?
[77:27] And We placed towering mountains therein, and provided you with sweet water to drink.
[77:28] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:29] (It will be said to them on that day,) ‘Push on to what you used to deny.
[77:30] Push onto a canopy (of Hell‘s smoke) having three branches,
that neither has a comfortable shade, nor is it of any use against the scorching heat.
[77:32] It emits sparks (as huge) as castles,
[77:33] as if they were yellowish camels’.
[77:34] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:35] This is the day when they will not speak,
[77:36] nor will they be allowed to offer excuses.
[77:37] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:39] Now, if you have a trick, use the trick against Me’.
[77:40] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:41] Of course, the God-fearing will be amid shades and streams,
[77:42] and fruits of their desire.
[77:43] It will be said to them, ‘Eat and drink with pleasure because of what you used to do’.
[77:44] This is how We reward those who do good deeds.
[77:45] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:46] ‘(O disbelievers,) eat and drink for a while! You are guilty ones’.
[77:47] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:48] And when it is said to them, ‘Bow down (i.e. submit to Allah‘s commands)’, they do not bow down.
[77:49] Woe that Day to the deniers!
[77:50] Now, in which discourse, after this, will they believe?
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