Meaning of Quran

Al-Sharh | The Relief

With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful.

[94:1] Have We not caused your bosom to be wide open for you?

[94:2] And We removed from you your burden.

[94:3] that had (almost) broken your back,

[94:4] and We raised high your name.

[94:5] So, undoubtedly, along with the hardship, there is ease.

[94:6] Undoubtedly, along with the hardship there is ease.

[94:7] So, when you are free (from collective services), toil hard (in worship),

[94:8] and towards your Lord turn with eagerness.


Overview of Surah Al-Sharh

  1. Title and Position: Surah Al-Sharh is the 94th chapter of the Quran. The title “Al-Sharh” translates to “The Relief” or “The Opening,” referring to the easing of the Prophet Muhammad’s burden and the expansion of his chest (i.e., heart), symbolizing relief and clarity in his mission.
  2. Verses and Structure: This surah contains 8 verses. It is known for its comforting and reassuring tone, directly addressing the Prophet and, by extension, offering guidance to all believers.
  3. Themes and Messages: Major themes include the alleviation of the Prophet’s hardships, the reciprocal relationship between difficulty and ease, and the encouragement to remain steadfast and devoted to God’s cause.
  4. Significance in Islamic Thought: Surah Al-Sharh is significant for its message of hope and perseverance, emphasizing that with every hardship comes ease and that God’s support is always near.

Detailed Explanation

  1. Divine Consolation: The surah begins by reminding the Prophet of how God eased his situation, expanding his heart and lifting the weight that burdened him, symbolizing divine support and guidance.
  2. Reciprocity of Hardship and Ease: It asserts a profound principle that with every hardship comes ease, emphasizing this duality to instill patience and resilience in the face of challenges.
  3. Call to Gratitude and Worship: The Prophet is instructed to turn to God in gratitude and devotion after his tasks, reinforcing the importance of remembering and worshiping God, especially after receiving His blessings.
  4. Encouragement for Steadfastness: The surah serves as an encouragement to remain steadfast in one’s mission and duties, assuring that God’s assistance will facilitate what may seem insurmountable.


  1. Why is Surah Al-Sharh named “The Relief”?
    • The surah is named “Al-Sharh” because it discusses the relief and expansion of the Prophet’s chest, symbolizing the easing of his burdens and the clarity and reassurance bestowed upon him by God.
  2. What is the key message of Surah Al-Sharh?
    • The key message is one of consolation and encouragement, highlighting the inevitability of ease with hardship and urging the Prophet—and all believers—to maintain their devotion and find solace in God’s support.
  3. How does the surah illustrate the relationship between difficulties and ease?
    • It illustrates this relationship by asserting that ease accompanies hardship, suggesting that challenges are not insurmountable and that relief is an integral part of the divine plan.
  4. What does Surah Al-Sharh suggest about gratitude and worship?
    • It suggests that gratitude and worship are essential responses to God’s favor, emphasizing the importance of turning to God in prayer and remembrance, especially after achieving success or relief from hardship.

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